Friday, June 4, 2010

Welcome to the ISPAYIN-Métis Youth Express Yourself! Blog

Welcome Métis Youth!
Our names are Max and Renee. We are proud Métis Youth! We are going to be blogging about what's happening with Métis Youth accross Canada.
We would like to introduce you to the ISPAYIN-Métis Youth Express Yourself! project. This exciting project, led by the Métis Centre of NAHO is to build awareness about Métis youth idenity, health and well being.
The project sought out artistic submissions of youth singing, speaking, fiddling, jigging, rapping and dancing at gatherings held accross Canada. They were also encouraged to submit videos of artwork, stand-up comedy, poetry and other forms of artistic expression. A DVD has been built around these images. An accompanying Discussion Guide was also developed. This interactive package showcases Métis pride and can be used as a cultural competency tool within mainstream and Aboriginal organizations, in communities and schools across Canada, and elsewhere. We want people to learn about who Métis Youth are!
The DVD and Discussion Guide are available free of charge, please contact us at to order a copy.
Did you know what ISPAYIN means?
Ispayin is a michif term that means ‘happening’. We used it for this project to articulate the focus of this project: ‘What’s happening’ with Métis Youth today.
We look forward to getting to know all of you!
Max and Renee

1 comment:

  1. Calling Metis Youth (and young adults/kindred spirits...!)

    Please let us know what kind of topics you would like to see covered here. Max and Renee have a few in mind that they'll be working on, including:
    -nutrition/diet/healthy eating
    -two-spirited/queer Metis youth
    -healthy lifestyles/getting active
    -healthy relationships
    -healthy identity
    -healthy environments (urban, rural)

    We'd love your feedback... :)
